RFID and Blink Technology: Working, Comparison & Advantages

RFID and Blink Technology: Working, Comparison & Advantages


In the context of RFID technology, the Electronic Product Code (EPC) tags have been getting enormous attention for over the decade. EPC are robust tags and essential to induce security and privacy in the credit cards.

The useful nature of these tags makes them popular in producing identification cards for government and official sectors such as driving license, police identity cards, student’s identity cards, and doctor’s identity cards.

  1. Difference between Conventional and Blink Cards

EPC codes are the utmost replacement of Universal Product Code (UPC) and Blink technology will become a perfect replacement of conventional credit cards in coming years.

In conventional credit cards, the merchant uses the swiping or touching mechanism for processing the payment, where the card leaves the user’s hand for a few minutes. This method can be concluded in three words ‘‘Swiping’’ ‘‘Vulnerability Exposure’’ and ‘‘Go’’.

On the other side, merchants wave the Blink credit card in front of the terminal screen for processing the payment, and thus, Blink credit card doesn’t leave the merchant’s hand while transferring payments. Unlike previous technology, Blink technology can be concluded in two words ‘‘Wave’’ and ‘‘Go’’.

  1. Working of Blink Credit Card

The working principle of Blink technology depends on the Blink credit card which exploited RFID benefits. Similar to old credit card, Blink credit card contains two sides; on front side, it has an information regarding to owner’s name and bank account number, whereas on the back side, account information is embedded inside the magnetic field strip.

A unique microchip based on the RFID technology is present in Blink card to interact with the reader terminal. Another vital function of this Blink or microchip is to carry out secure payments instantly at a cash register.

It is recommended to wave a card at a distance of 2-3 inches from the reading terminal. The terminal beeps and light-up the LED after processing the payment from the Blink card. The merchant receives the invoice, puts the Blink card back to his wallet and then follows his way.

  1. Advantages of Blink Credit Card over Standard Credit Card
Blink Credit Card Saves Time

If you’re shopaholic, traveller or businessman, you need a credit card either for shopping, room reservation or business dealing. It is hard to wait in the line for doing any of these activities, and patience is the only keyholder to do this. But Blink credit card saves time in contrast to regular credit card, as users only wave the card and take their items instead of waiting for a long confirmation procedure from banks.

Seamless Working

It is right to say that Blink technology has a class; it can be integrated seamlessly with diverse types of credit and debit cards, carrying any background, embedded numbers, or endorsed codes. It brings accuracy, high performance, speed irrespective of the credit card or debit card specification.

Security is in Your Hands

As it is mentioned above, Blink cards are more protected in contrast to standard credit cards. They protect merchants’ data, information, sensitive payment details and never involve in hardware interaction or physical touch, considering security as one of the top requirements of credit cards.